Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Summer Days

Dear Miss Dinah,

We have had some wonderful days together, and I am missing jotting down parts of our life and stories in your letters. But, we called the internet company a few weeks ago, and they said the soonest they could hook up our internet was August 9th. Better late than never I suppose :) So we wait...

Using Ginni and Grampa's internet, let's do a quick update!

In no particular order, this is what we have been up to for a month:

Lots of morning walks. It's nice before the temperature gets up in the 90's/100's!

Lots of bike riding.

Watering and enjoying.

Hanging around.









More swimming.

Celebrating 2 years! Grandpa Tom came to join in the celebrations :)



Well, not much gardening really. We've been enjoying a lot of the produce from the garden, and we did help weed and water more at the beginning of the summer. But then, it got hot enough outside that it made this pregnant mamma not feel so great :(

Dancing ... and gymnastic-ing.

Cousin time.

More and more and more climbing.

The zoo.

Sharing a snack.


The fair!

The fair parade lunch.

Visiting Sisi (and aunts).

I love you, love you, love you.

More and more,

Mamma <3

Monday, July 8, 2013

New Neighbors

Dear Miss Dinah,

We spent a lot of quality time with the buddies over this last month. You seemed to be toting them around just about everywhere.

And then the cousins showed up, and you have spent significantly less time with the buddies. 

I love you,

Mamma <3

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Cousin Buddies & Long Overdue Pregnancy Update!

Dear Miss Dinah,

I have temporary internet on my computer and just uploaded 400+ photos from my phone from the past 5 weeks of not blogging.


This one will have to hold us over until I can get more up :)

Dinah, 24 months, cousin Emma, 19 months.

We also posted a long-overdue pregnancy update HERE!

I love you,

Mamma <3