Monday, July 30, 2012

Pumpkin Ravioli {189}

Dear Miss Dinah,

Did I mention that I am so pleased to have you by our side all day, every day?

Our daughter, our friend.

Making ravioli for lunch here:

Did I mention your trusty sidekick?
She almost got away with coming on our ride today. Then she gave herself away.

I love you,

Mamma <3

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Family Pictures {188}

Dear Miss Dinah,

This morning we took family pictures though you did not want to cooperate, really.
You just wanted to be a-n-t-s-y.
You much preferred life after photo session:

It's hard to hear over the wind, but you are giddy with laughter:

PW likes hanging out in plastic, like the front part of this bag filled with diapers. 

Later this afternoon, the guys went to a movie and we did some shopping. You two are starting to be real pals. Did I tell you that Emma was the first person you gave a little hug to? You've given one to Micah too. Just went right over and did it yesterday at the parade. No prompting. You really love them.

I love you,

Mamma <3

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Parade {187}

Dear Miss Dinah,

Let's go to the parade...

I love you,

Mamma <3

Friday, July 27, 2012

We Went to the Animal Fair {186}

Dear Miss Dinah,

We had garden greens and onions and sourdough bread for breakfast (and lunch) :)

Finally cut off the buttercrunch lettuce "bolt." This is basically a flowering stick where the head of lettuce used to be.

"If you live in warmer areas where temperatures remain above 80 degrees Fahrenheit day after day, then getting your Buttercrunch lettuce to form a head before bolting may be difficult."

Photos from the fairgrounds this morning:

Cows, people showing animals in that barn behind.

Very large, two-toned pigs.


Prize-winning chickens

Biggest bunny I've ever seen

Showing horses

Then we went to visit Ginni, and the cousins stopped by so we stayed to play a few minutes.

Ms. Emma found some apples
  And then you crashed on the way home.

So I just let you sleep in your stroller a little while, until lunch.

I love you, 

Mamma <3

Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Mess of Productivity {185}

Dear Miss Dinah,

We spent a lot of time in the kitchen today.
Discovering the crock pot while Mamma did various tasks.
You probably kept busy for at least 20 minutes taking the lid off and on, putting it back upside down, placing the surfboard-shaped dongle in it, putting the lid on, taking the dongle out...etc, etc, etc...

Is productivity always messy? The kitchen seemed so messy this afternoon, but we were getting a lot done. Then again, I'm sure this could be nothing compared to a house with a few more children... :)

Both photos happened to get snapped with a mamma kissing a baby on the screen. It must have been teaching the sign for "mamma," or "baby," ... or "kiss." Who knows?

Sourdough bread.

Black Walnut Hull capsules.

I love you,

Mamma <3

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Cousins Calling {184}

Dear Miss Dinah,

You walked around the fairgrounds this morning with your Ginni, Aunt Julie, Micah, and Emma.

This afternoon, you and Emma played, shared toys, tried to trade sippi-cups, and were sweet little quiet girls together while your mammas enjoyed each others company.

Two new "adult" things you are doing are "talking" on the phone and putting sunglasses on.

You understand now that phones go up to the ear,
and sunglasses go up to the eyes.

Nice soft rain tonight as you sleep in your bed. We love the rain out here. Our garden will too :)

I love you,

Mamma <3

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

To Be Fair {183}

Dear Miss Dinah,

The chocolate velvet swirl cake we entered in the fair this morning...

Added a tiny green leaf to the "flower vase" decoration after this photo.

Last year: Daddy eating a hot dog at the fair.

This year: You enjoying a hot dog at the fair.

Last year: lay/sitting

This year: run/toddle/tumbling

Last year: blue gingham onesie-dress, newborn size

This year: purple gingham onesie-dress, 12-month size

Victor, Meghann, Jessica, you, and Daddy

...and Daddy took these photos of where he cleaned seed today. Beautiful!

Daddy took a little fall today and scraped up his face, and possibly a concussion, but nothing more serious. A good reminder we need to be praying for safety every day. We've had too many scrapes lately!

I love you,

Mamma <3