Thursday, November 1, 2012

Blood Drive {283}

Dear Miss Dinah,

Today we went to the Blood Drive.

The view from the blood donor's seat:

Mamma misses you guys way over there!!

There's you and Daddy over there eating snacks and chatting with volunteers. While Daddy was giving blood you stayed with a couple sweet ladies who set the first hour of their work flew by, getting to play with you!

You got a firm grasp on how stickers work. You confidently peeled one off Daddy, stuck it back on, peeled it off, stuck it on Mamma, peeled it off, stuck it on Mamma's back, peeled it off, stuck it on your tummy... :-)

"I make a difference."

Later back at home, you practiced your ever-growing riding skills. While sitting on the bike, you lift your little feet up off the ground and like to be given a big push. You hold your balance quite well as you cruise along about 5-10 feet.
Worst case scenario is a little bit of a topple over. But, it doesn't phase you much.

I love you,

Mamma <3

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