Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Littlelest Fan {157}

Dear Miss Dinah,

Grandpa's impromptu narration on your interaction with a miniature fan this morning:

"Yep...I'm Matthew's daughter. I'll figure this thing out and then I'll upgrade it, make it bigger, and better, and faster...and I'll add a 200 horsepower generator..."

Your Aunt Elisa drove up to spend the morning with you.

Earlier this morning I had been talking to Daddy on the phone. When I put him on speaker phone and you heard his voice, you started speaking very excitedly and loudly. As if everything you had bottled up inside to tell him came pouring out.

Play time this afternoon with Anna. 

Walking the little stroller together
The shape cube
Pleas notice Owen's "Big Brother" shirt in the background. He takes the role very seriously.
Anna has lots of experience with posed photos. She "hugged" you, and then hopped off her chair! :) You were wholly fascinated with your audio book playing school bus.

We got home and watched some Olympic swimming trials on TV before you went to bed (which, by the way, your Grandma Sisi and Aunt Katie are on their way to). You woke up a few hours later...startled, not sure where you were, I think. Not surprising as this is the third new place in 2 days! We snuggled a little bit, you had some water, and back to sleep.

I love you,

Mamma <3

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