Friday, May 4, 2012

Party Time {102}

Dear Miss Dinah,

This morning Daddy read to us the 29th Psalm:

The Voice of the LORD

A Davidic Psalm

Ascribe to Yahweh, you heavenly beings,[a]
ascribe to the Lord glory and strength.
Ascribe to Yahweh the glory due His name;
worship Yahweh
in the splendor of His holiness.[b](A)
The voice of the Lord is above the waters.
The God of glory thunders—
the Lord, above vast waters,(B)
the voice of the Lord in power,
the voice of the Lord in splendor.(C)
The voice of the Lord breaks the cedars;
the Lord shatters the cedars of Lebanon.(D)
He makes Lebanon skip like a calf,(E)
and Sirion,[c] like a young wild ox.(F)
The voice of the Lord flashes flames of fire.(G)
The voice of the Lord shakes the wilderness;
the Lord shakes the wilderness of Kadesh.(H)
The voice of the Lord makes the deer give birth[d](I)
and strips the woodlands bare.(J)
In His temple all cry, “Glory!”
10 The Lord sat enthroned at the flood;
the Lord sits enthroned, King forever.(K)
11 The Lord gives His people strength;(L)
the Lord blesses His people with peace.(M)

There is something deeply, and intimately wonderful about a man reading aloud the Scriptures. (Although, it is more important that he be living them out)

 As an infant you crave milk, and as you grow you will crave more and more solid food. So it is with God's word that as you mature you come to want more and more of it. And, you will be able to understand more of it too, just as you will come to enjoy more complex foods.

This afternoon we celebrated Gampa's birthday with pecan pie muffins, ice-cream, and watermelon.

 Gampa laughed at his card which read:
"A long, long, long time ago dinosaurs roamed the earth. I was just wondering......... were you able to outrun them???"  (insert lots of laughing here)  =D

Larry, our neighbor across the street came over to help celebrate. Daniel, Eddie, and Daddy were there too. Very much a boy party today -- you and I were the only 2 representing the females :)

Laughing at his card

mmmmmmmmm watermelon

sweet, sweet thing, you.

I love you. 

Mamma <3

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